Rectal Cancer Surgery
2 – 5 Hours
General Anesthesia
Several Weeks
Rectal cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the rectum, the last part of the large intestine. Rectal cancer surgery involves the surgical removal of the part of the rectum where the cancer is located. The goal of surgery is to completely remove the cancer, prevent the spread of the disease, and prolong life expectancy. Due to the location and function of the rectum, these surgeries may sometimes require a temporary or permanent stoma (an opening of the intestine to the abdominal wall).
Procedure Details
- Procedure: Rectal Cancer Surgery – The specific procedure varies depending on the location, size, and stage of the tumor (local excision, low anterior resection, abdominoperineal resection, etc.)
- Duration: 2-5 hours (depending on the procedure and the patient’s condition)
- Anesthesia: General anesthesia
- Location: Atlas University Hospital – Istanbul
- Possible Side Effects: Bleeding, anastomotic leak, infection, bowel obstruction, delayed wound healing, changes in urinary or sexual function, stoma complications (if a stoma is required).
- Recovery Time: Hospital stay is usually 4-7 days. Full recovery may take several weeks.
- Expected Outcomes: Complete or partial removal of the cancer, prevention of the spread of the disease, symptom control, prolonged life expectancy, improved quality of life.
Daily Plan
- Day 1:
- Arrival in Istanbul and transfer to the hospital.
- Pre-operative consultation and evaluation with your surgeon.
- Completion of necessary tests (colonoscopy, biopsy, CT, MRI, etc.).
- Surgical planning and discussion of expectations.
- Preparation for bowel cleansing (enema or special solutions).
- Day 2:
- Rectal cancer surgery.
- Post-operative care and monitoring (pain control, fluid replacement, etc.).
- Hospital stay.
- Day 3:
- Post-operative check-up by the surgeon.
- Starting to take fluids (water, sugar-free drinks, etc.).
- Starting walking exercises.
- Pain management and medication information.
- Day 4-6:
- Hospital stay and recovery.
- Transition from liquid diet to solid foods (under doctor supervision).
- Walking and light exercises.
- Stoma care training (if a stoma is required).
- Day 7:
- Discharge from the hospital and transfer to the hotel.
- Day 8-10:
- Rest and recovery at the hotel.
- Transition to a normal diet (under doctor supervision).
- Doctor check-up.
- Day 11:
- Return to your country.
Post-Operative Care
- Follow the diet program recommended by your doctor.
- Use prescription medications regularly.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Gradually increase walking and exercise.
- Follow stoma care instructions (if a stoma is required).
- Follow your doctor’s instructions and schedule a follow-up appointment with a local doctor after returning to your country.
- Additional treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy (if necessary and in your country).
- Q: Will there be a scar after rectal cancer surgery?
- A: It varies depending on the surgical method. Open surgery leaves a larger scar, while laparoscopic surgery leaves smaller scars.
- Q: When can I return to a normal diet after surgery?
- A: This depends on your recovery process. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations.
- Q: What are the risks of rectal cancer surgery?
- A: As with any surgery, there are risks of bleeding, infection, and anesthesia-related complications. There are also risks such as bowel obstruction, delayed wound healing, anastomotic leak, and changes in urinary or sexual function. Your surgeon will discuss these in detail.
- Q: What is the life expectancy after rectal cancer surgery?
- A: This varies depending on the stage of the cancer, the patient’s overall health, and the response to treatment. Life expectancy after surgery is higher in rectal cancers diagnosed at an early stage.